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how about the activity of lime after lime kiln calcination?

19 Jul,2022 UTC+8 Views:

Active lime is an important auxiliary raw material for steelmaking. The use of active lime can improve the quality of molten steel, reduce the consumption and cost of steelmaking, and stabilize the operation. Therefore, when choosing limestone calcining equipment, users are more concerned about the calcination process and product performance of the lime kiln.
Compared with the old lime kiln system, the lime kiln produced by CHAENG has lower energy consumption and can use waste blast furnace gas as fuel, making the production process more environmentally friendly. The material rolls forward evenly in the lime kiln, is heated evenly, and has a low overburning rate. It is suitable for calcining high-activity lime. Under the same conditions, the lime activity produced by the lime rotary kiln is higher than that of the shaft kiln, and the activity can reach 400ml or even higher.

In recent years, environmental protection policies have become more and more strict. Therefore, energy saving and environmental protection of limestone calcining equipment have become an industry demand. The lime rotary kiln produced by CHAENG uses a vertical preheater with advanced structure and low-pressure loss, which can effectively improve the preheating effect and increase production efficiency. The quality of the lime produced is very good. Compared with the traditional lime rotary kiln, the output is increased by 30%, and the heat consumption is reduced by 40%. It is convenient for dust collection and can meet the modern energy-saving and environmental protection requirements.
If you want to know the relevant knowledge of limestone calcining equipment, welcome to consult online or leave a message, we will provide you with the most detailed answer.

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